Welcome to Saint Teresa’s Primary School’s website. I hope that the information on the site is useful to you.
At Saint Teresa’s Primary we have a close partnership with the parents and carers of our pupils and we work closely with the local parish, St. Teresa of Lisieux. We have also established good working relations with the other schools in the Saint Roch’s Learning Community, as well as the other establishments situated on Keppoch Campus.
If you decide to enrol your child at Saint Teresa’s we will be delighted to work in partnership with you. If you are already a member of our school community then this site should help to keep you updated about many aspects of school life.
The staff in Saint Teresa’s Primary realise that it is a privilege to be a part of the life of your child but acknowledge that the parents and carers are the first educators of the children. We are there to develop and extend the good work being done at home.
In order to carry out our mission statement and to achieve our aims we need the support and understanding of parents so that we can work in partnership with them. Our pupils deserve all the help and encouragement that we can give them so that they can develop all their talents to the fullest so that they can become confident individuals who are able to make an effective and relevant contribution to the society in which they live.
If there is any information that you think could be added please let me know so that it can be considered.
Julie McElhone
Our School Values
acts of kindness